Sunday, February 26, 2012

Silver Arrows Cactus-Mammillaria Nejapensis

Mammillaria Nejapensis

Far Right: Silver Arrow in Bloom
Back Center: Redheaded Irishman
Front Left: Rebutia miniscula
  My First Flowering Cacti in Captive.

Which if you've had the pleasure as a cacti owner, in my studies it says its rare to see such a sight and exciting too!

What it means
You're doing the right thing! Giving it enough Light and water, etc etc!!
Silver Arrows Budding

 I have two Silver Arrow Cacti
Which I have yet to post follow up pictures of the first one (top picture), it had a growth spurt after flowering, My second one is now in the process of flowering. See picture to the right and below ^_^
Silver Arrows Budding

 Sub-Species (ssp.):  Karwinskiana

Similar Species: Ferrocactus Histrix

Origin:  Oaxaca city, Mexico
Light:  Part Shade
Water:  Moderate once a week to every two weeks in shorter daylight hours

  Some good websites for information:

Please Check out my Other Posts on This Species! Just check the panel on your right ((March)) >>

Owl Eye-Mammillaria Nejapensis

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Last summer I went on a trip to Arizona, again. We visited several places.

The Grand Canyon

I had never been there before so it was a decent experience. Except for camping. screaming children, generators all night.. I cant call it "camping."  We slept under the stars in the back of the truck.

Montezuma's Castle

Which looks incredibly fake. They 'restored' it some years ago, by the time I took this picture. But as you can see, the coloration of the restoration is not at all the same colors.

I was very disappointed.


We stopped in, we took a scenic route through the mountains :) which made me happy. We were getting information on winerys and things to do or hotels etc etc. places to eat. Seems that Sedona is very uppity. Like Highlands Ranch, or like Miami. However that is at first glance.

Not so sure about all the "mystics" and "supernatural healing" but I knew I did want to check out the 'Vortices'. But we were looking for somewhere to sleep before everything got dark.

I had got some pretty pictures though.

Lowell Observatory

Went on a couple tours there. They had this layout that they spent a lot of money on to give you a visual of the distance of the Planets.. Which the examples of the planets were just put in, right before they declared Pluto wasnt a planet.. Mr. Lowell would be Pissed!

My Favorite Places was this Cactus gardens Store just outside of Jerome, AZ. I cant find it on the map, or in any listings, but they let me take pictures of the cacti in bloom and the gardens area. I would have bought some but the plants would have had to travel several miles in a truck.
Coral Cacti
Water lily pond
Brain cactus
Inside the Gardens

Outside the gardens
Golden Barrel - Approx. 20 Years old (right)


Teddy Bear

Just right outside City limits Jerome, AZ Exiting the Gardens

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Madagascar Palm-Pachypodium lamerei

Over watered Palm
The Madagascar Palm: Pachypodium lamerei

Drought tolerant when established. fresh bought, transported or recently repotted plants don’t need to be feed/fertilized for 6 to 8 weeks.

 Needs fast draining soil, Cactus mix, or you can add some sand to cactus soil mix, 30-40% Sand to Cactus soil. Water when soil is dry to touch.

It is absolutely not tolerant to frost. It will Drop its leaves if it gets too cold, since its a native to Southern Madagascar it should not be below 50°f  and no hotter than 104 °f (10-40 °c)
Water regularly in the warmer months. Approximately once a week.
 It needs Full Sun (8 hours+ Less than 6hours it will become dormant)
Winter Dormant months, water once two weeks or when soil is dry to touch fertilize every month.

50% diluted cacti fertilizer monthly if the plants are in growth
Early spring to Early fall is the growing seasons and blooming seasons. 

pH requirements:
6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic)
6.6 to 7.5 (neutral)
7.6 to 7.8 (mildly alkaline)

Indoor Height Approximation
Outdoor Height Approximation
Description: It Has thick thorns (about 2½ inch spines) and Leaves Mainly at the top. Rarely ever branching out, it can grow up to 15-19 Feet tall (outdoors of course), indoors it usually tops out at about 6 feet tall.
Madagascar Palm in Bloom

When it flowers, it produces white pleasant smelling flowers at the top

Broken Palm top (let bottom callous over)

From stem cuttings
Allow the cut surface to callous over before planting
From seed; sow indoors before last frost

My Madagascar Palm

My Mad Palm
Was Starting to Bulge From Over watering

Happy Mad Palm :p

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Black root rot/stem rot

My cardon. (The oldest) died. 
Er.. was unsavable.

If you look at the pictures the yellowing at the root wasn't enough to cut off and save..
The two others survived. Which I replanted seperate. And they are fine. :-)

I attempted to cut out the black spot I first noticed after some research with stem rot....

But a day later I came home to see this (below)

I knew it might not be able to be saved even though I repotted seperate and in a faster draining 50/50 cactus soil and sterile sand mix for faster draining (so maybe the root could dry out?)

but when I took out of the soil to check how bad the yellowing of the stem was it wasnt enough to keep it up..

ABOVE: closer to my thumb is the rot spot.. You might be able to see the yellowing (my mobile pictures arent that great) 
Above: turned about 20%, you can see the yellowing more

Above: Circled black spot (EEP!)

 I ended up having to quarantine this cactus for that 24hour test period before throwing it out when I checked the root after cutting the black spot. I didnt want it to infect the others..

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I have quite the collection of cacti. Some are experiencing problems. Whether its overwatering, frostbite, sunburn, possible root rot.
Some are cureable,
Some will have permanent scaring,
Some have to be replanted Right away.

The following pictures are of the cactaceae plants I have that seem to be experiencing some issues;

Below: Madagascar Palm: bloating, bulging aound trunk,
Diagnosis: Becoming too dormant to absorb water supply,
bulging due to overwatering,
Treatment: Stop watering! Continuing to water will cause root rot.

Below: Cardon (Right; Black spot, Left; Bloating)
Diagnosis: Stem Rot/Black root rot, Dormant Cactus not able to absorb water supply due to lack of light.
Treatment: Cut off discoloration/ yellowing of the root & stem put in dry soil/stop watering,
if it continues to rot, you can get an anti fungal powder to attempt to save the plant,
Best advice is to cut your losses and throw it away before the fungus spreads to your other plants.

Below: Pup from a Haworthia turning purple
Diagnosis: Usually cacti or succulents turning purple means either it needs a little water, over exposure to light, or damage to the root
Treatment: Spritz with water until soil is completely moist (but not so much the bottom is sitting in water, just enough to moisten the entire top part of the soil)
wait a week for improvement, if none, try repotting into a larger pot (roots maybe cramped) or the other two irreversable; root damage or sun damage (which is scarring).

Below:Balloon Cactus with pup (bottom left ^_^)
Diagnosis: Yellow Scarring from Frost
Treatment: None; irreversable damage

Bottom right scarring

Below: Brain Cactus (Stenocactus multicostatus)
Diagnosis: Brown Scarring; sun burn/frost bite, sitting in direct sunlight or not protecting again frost conditions under 60F.

More info posting later on problems or diseases for cacti.